Current State: 0


    useState with built in undo and redo history control


    import { useStateHistory } from '@react-hooks-library/core'
    export function Demo() {
      const { state, undo, redo, push, history, reset, redoAllowed } =
        useStateHistory(0, { maxHistory: 5 })
      return (
          <div>State: {state}</div>
            <button onClick={() => push(state + 2)}>Push</button>
            <button onClick={undo}>Undo</button>
            <button onClick={redo} disabled={!redoAllowed}>
            <button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>


    • push

      Push new state to history

    • undo

      Undo action and go back to previous state

    • redo

      Redo actions that were just undid with the undo function. Only allowed after an undo or a another redo action. Disabled right after a push action.

    • redoAllowed

      Returns true if redo is allowed, false otherwise.

    • reset

      Reset to last saved state

    • history

      The entire history of saved states.

    Type Declarations

    declare type UseStateHistoryOptions = {
       * Max number of history states to be stores
       * @default 10
      maxHistory?: number
     * useState with built in undo and redo history control
     * @param defaultValue
     * @param options
     * @returns
    declare function useStateHistory<T>(
      defaultValue: T | (() => T),
      options?: UseStateHistoryOptions
    ): {
      state: T
      push: (value: T) => void
      undo: () => void
      redo: () => void
      reset: () => void
      history: T[]
      redoAllowed: boolean


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